Work Injury Compensation Insurance

Order Number: 12345678

Change location of risk

Please make sure to answer honestly, with accurate and up-to-date information. If you don’t, your policy may be cancelled, and your insurer could reject your change or declare not to pay it in full.

Work Injury Compensation Insurance

Order Number: 12345678

Include another entity/company as a joint-insured

Please make sure to answer honestly, with accurate and up-to-date information. If you don’t, your policy may be cancelled, and your insurer could reject your change or declare not to pay it in full.

Work Injury Compensation Insurance

Order Number: 12345678

Include another entity/company under a cross-liability clause

Please make sure to answer honestly, with accurate and up-to-date information. If you don’t, your policy may be cancelled, and your insurer could reject your change or declare not to pay it in full.

Work Injury Compensation Insurance

Order Number: 12345678

Include another entity/company for a waiver of subrogation

Please make sure to answer honestly, with accurate and up-to-date information. If you don’t, your policy may be cancelled, and your insurer could reject your change or declare not to pay it in full.

Work Injury Compensation Insurance

Order Number: 12345678