This type of insurance gives you a cash payout when you cannot run your business normally. This interruption could be from a fire, burst pipes, or many other causes. Provide gives you the easiest & quickest way to purchase Business Interruption Insurance.
1) Loss In Gross Profits: Pays for lost gross profit for the period that you couldn’t operate your business.
2) Increased Cost of Working: Pays for additional expenses that you incur (e.g. extra workers, repairmen, etc.) while your business is recovering from a loss event (e.g. recovering after a large fire in your factory).
3) Loss of rent receivables:Â Pays for rental income that you could not collect while your business could not operate.
Business interruption insurance is very helpful if you:
The coverage amount needs to take into account the current revenue, potential revenue and the period of restoration after the disaster incident. Many businesses often make the mistake of underestimating the cost of repair & restoration, and this expense could snowball to a large amount if the period of restoration take months or years to bring the business back to a fully functional state.
Specialised equipment is typically more expensive to re-purchase or make, or reallocation of business premises could be made more difficult in an inaccessible country/ state. As each business is setup differently, owners need to evaluate the following points which would ultimately determine the cost of the insurance policy:
Coverage starts from just $9/month. Provide’s online platform saves you up to 25% on your premiums, and we pass every dollar saved back to you.