Videographer Insurance in Singapore

From $19/month. Broad cover for liability, equipment damage, & more.

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Get Singapore's best insurance for videographers. Broad cover for liability to others, equipment damage, & more.

Provide is the easiest & quickest way for videographers to protect themselves. Videographers  Get coverage for liability to others, injuries to employees, and more. Get coverage online, in just minutes.

What does Videographer Insurance cover?

CoverageExplanationImportance for videographers
Work Injury Compensation Insurance (WICA Insurance)Covers your employees from work-related injuries/sickness.

E.g. filming assistant trips and falls while at a shoot, and breaks their arm.
Legally required for all manual workers (e.g. videographers), or workers who earn <$2,600/month
Public Liability InsuranceCovers you from legal liability to third-parties, for bodily injury or property damage.

E.g. accidentally hitting someone while at a shoot.
Commercial Property InsuranceCovers your business property against damage, e.g. fire, explosions, certain types of water damage, etc.

Covers electronic equipment, cameras, office fixtures & fittings, other contents, etc.
Business Interruption InsuranceCompensates you for lost business income if you can’t operate your videography business due to covered reasons, e.g. fire destroying your office.Very good to have
Cyber InsuranceCovers your business if you suffer a cyber breach.  Pays for IT consultants to help recover lost data, recover systems, and more.Very good to have

What are some claims examples for videographers?

Claim Example 1: Filming studio and camera equipment destroyed by firebuilding fire

While charging one of your batteries, an electrical outlet malfunctions. Sparks fly, and a fire starts. The fire quickly destroys all your video equipment. Your expensive cameras, sound booms, computers, memory cards, harnesses, lightning equipment and other filming equipment are all annihilated. Your studio premises is completely destroyed. If you have Commercial Property Insurance, the insurer would pay to repair your studio, and to replace your damaged equipment. Your policy can cover the cost of your filming equipment, your studio  renovations, and more.

Claim Example 2: Employee gets injured while on shoot work injury

Videography staff are at relatively high risk of suffering work-related injuries. Long hours spent carrying heavy equipment, running to different shooting locations.  A fall, sprain, cuts, or other injuries are inevitable. 

Let’s take an example of a filming assistant performing an outdoor shoot. The filming assistant accidentally trips and falls. He suffers a big laceration on his arm, and breaks his elbow. He needs to undergo surgery to stabilise his arm, and sew up his laceration. His medical bill totals more than $12,000. He’s also given several weeks of medical leave. Since this is a work-related injury, MOM legally requires you to compensate the injured worker for their medical bill and lost salary. With WICA Insurance, the insurer would pay for these costs.

Claim Example 3: You injure  a member of the public while filminginjury at workInjuring someone else is also common in filming. For instance, let’s say you accidentally run into someone else while filming. The person falls down, and suffers a fracture on their head. The injured person goes on to sue you for personal injury, claiming your negligence caused the incident to occur. They demand $25,000 in compensation from you. If you have Public Liability Insurance, the insurer would cover your lawyer’s fees , and also pay for damages or settlements if you are found liable to compensate the injured person.

How much coverage do I need for my videography business?

Work Injury Compensation Insurance (WICA Insurance): Videography companies should insure all their employees. By law, MOM requires business owners to have WICA Insurance for their manual employees. Examples of manual workers include videographers, sound assistants, etc. Essentially, any one who does physical labour must be covered. MOM also requires you to insure any worker who earns $2,600/month or less.

It’s best to go beyond just the legal minimums, and insure all your employees. By law, you have to compensate your workers for any work-related injury/illness they suffer. You could be left with a hefty bill if one of your employees gets injured.

Public Liability Insurance: Videography companies should have at least $500,000 to $1 million in coverage.

Commercial Property Insurance: Videography companies should have at least $100,000 in coverage, if you have a commercial space.

Business Interruption Insurance: Videography companies should have at least $50,000 in coverage.

Foreign Worker Medical Insurance: By law, you’ll need to carry Foreign Worker Medical Insurance for each foreigner you employ. This applies to all S-Pass and Work Permit holders. If your foreign worker is also a manual employee (e.g. a filming assistant), then you must carry both Work Injury Compensation Insurance and Foreign Worker Medical Insurance.

How much does Videographer Insurance cost?


Coverage amount (example)


Work Injury Compensation Insurance (WICA Insurance)

$10 million common law annual limit


$45,000 medical expenses cover per worker

From $19/month, for a comprehensive Videographer Insurance Package deal



Public Liability Insurance


Commercial Property Insurance


Business Interruption Insurance


Cyber Insurance


From $49/month

Why use Provide for Videographer Insurance?

  • Save up to 25% on your premiums

  • Save time with our convenient online platform to get quotes, file claims, and manage policies 

  • Expert insurance team with 20+ years combined experience serving both SMEs and large multinational firms

  • Available by phone 7 days/week

Get comprehensive Videographer Insurance from $19/month. Speak with our experts today!

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