Business Information

Please make sure to answer honestly, with accurate and up-to-date information. If you don’t, your policy may be cancelled, and your insurer could reject your claim or declare not to pay it in full.

1. Do you perform disinfection work with Hazmat suits, or work related to Covid-19 disinfections?
2. Do you perform work at dormitories?
3. Do you perform work at heights > 5m from ground level, or on the exteriors of buildings?

1. Do you perform hot works/welding?
2. Do you perform work at heights >5m from ground level, or on the exteriors of buildings?

1. Do you perform hot works/welding?
2. Do you perform work at heights > 5m from ground level, or on the exteriors of buildings?

1. Do you perform hot works/welding?
2. Do you perform work at heights >5m from ground level, or on the exteriors of buildings?

1. Do you perform hot works/welding?
2. Do you perform work at heights >5m from ground level, or on the exteriors of buildings?

1. Do you perform hot works/welding?
2. Do you perform work at heights >5m from ground level, or on the exteriors of buildings?

1. Do you wholesale flammable or explosive goods?
2. Do you wholesale chemicals, or Oil & Gas products?
3. Do you wholesale livestock?

1. Do you repair art, jewellery, precious stones/metals, or other precious goods?
2. Do you perform hot works/welding?

1. Do you coach water sports (e.g. swimming, sailing)?

1. Do you employees carry any kind of arms/weapons?

1. Do you employees carry any kind of arms/weapons?

1. Do you perform hot works/welding?
2. Do you perform work at heights >5m from ground level, or on the exteriors of buildings?

1. Do you perform adventure shoots?
2. Do you perform work at heights > 5m from ground level, or on the exteriors of buildings?
3. Do you perform overseas shoots?

1. Do you store flammable or explosive goods?
2. Do you store chemicals, or Oil & Gas products?
3. Do you store livestock?


  • Self-flagellation
  • Exorcism
  • Any other kind of activity that may result in physical injury


  1. Afghanistan
  2. Iraq
  3. Iran
  4. Myanmar
  5. North Korea
  6. Burkina Faso
  7. Burundi
  8. Cameroon
  9. Central African Republic (CAR)
  10. Chad
  11. Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
  12. Ethiopia
  13. Kenya
  14. Mali
  15. Mozambique
  16. Niger
  17. Nigeria
  18. Somalia
  19. South Sudan
  20. Sudan
  21. Yemen
  22. Algeria
  23. Ukraine
  24. Libya

  1. Adventure tours
  2. Safari tours
  3. Skydiving or bungee jumping
  4. Diving or snorkelling
  5. Water-based activities

hours per job
hours per job
hours per job

1. Do you perform work offshore or onboard vessels?
2. Do you perform work at Oil & Gas, or Petrochemical sites?

1. Have you filed insurance claims for the risks proposed in the last 3 years?
2. Have you had any business insurance policy cancelled in the last 12 months due to non-payment of premium?


Contact Information

Employee Information

Please provide details of the workers you want to insure.