Group Personal Accident Insurance

Provide helps you get the best Group Personal Accident Insurance to protect your employees from accidents or deaths.

Group Personal Accident Insurance protects company staff if they suffer serious accidents, or accidentally die.

This type of insurance provides a lump sum payout for accidental injuries or death, and pays for medical expenses.

As retaining and hiring employees becomes more competitive, today’s workers increasingly expect good healthcare benefits from their companies. It’s become very common for business owners to offer good benefits (beyond just salary raises) as a strong employment incentive. A comprehensive Group Personal Accident policy is a great way to retain and attract talented employees. It’s also a fantastic method to keep employees safe, protecting your staff and their families from huge medical bills. 
  • Loss of Body Parts/Body Functions: Pays a lump sum for loss of arms, hands, fingers, legs, toes, sight, hearing, and more.
  • Total Permanent Disability: Pays a lump sum for permanent inability to work. Some insurers may have alternative definitions of this condition, like loss of a minimum number of specific body parts/functions.
  • Accidental Death: Pays a lump sum.

The following coverage features are offered in various combinations, depending on the insurer:

  • Medical Expenses/Hospital Cash: Pays for medical fees (up to a specified amount). Pays a daily hospitalisation benefit.
  • Temporary Disability (Partial/Total): Pays a daily cash benefit while temporarily disabled and unable to work.
  • Family Cover: Automatically covers employee’s child & spouse.
  • Reservist: Covers employees performing reservist duty. 
  • Individuals over 65-75 (depends on the policy)
  • Suicide 
  • Pre-existing physical or mental defect or infirmity
  • Illness, diseases, infections, AIDS, HIV, and HIV-related illnesses
  • Childbirth, miscarriage, pregnancy or any other complications thereof
  • Injuries or death from criminal acts
  • Professional sports activities of any kind
  • Hazardous sports activities such as mountaineering, cave exploring, parachuting, hang gliding, hunting, racing of any kind (other than on foot), scuba-diving, bungee jumping and water ski jumping
  • Pilots or cabin crew, unless they’re travelling as fare paying passengers
  • Radioactive and nuclear weapon material accidents

This type of insurance is helpful if:

  • You want to offer attractive benefits to retain & motivate your employees, and attract new hires.
  • You want to help your employees get back to work quickly. Cash payouts will greatly help your workers with medical expenses.
  • You want to be seen as a caring employer, making sure your employees and their families are well looked after in case of unfortunate accidents.
It’s useful to purchase coverage between $100,000 to $500,000 per employee. If you need help determining appropriate coverage levels, speak with our expert brokers today.
If you buy Business Package Insurance, it’ll often come with Group PA insurance. However, this Group PA usually only applies to 1-2 Directors/Officers. If you want to cover more people, you’ll have to get a broader, standalone Group PA policy.
It’s hard to quote a price given that premiums vary wildly depending on your industry, employee age, and number of workers.

However, what’s for sure is that you can save up to 25% on premiums with Provide. Our digital operating model creates lower overheads, and we pass every dollar saved back to our clients.

Get started on a quote today!

Save up to 25% on your premiums with our digital insurance platform.

Prefer to speak to a consultant? Call us at 6977 7130