Covid-19 (coronavirus) and your business

Confused about how Covid-19 affects your business insurance? Get answers at our Covid-19 FAQ. If you have employees, protect them with Covid-19 Infection Insurance.

Charity Insurance in Singapore

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Tailored insurance for your charity. Maximum coverage, minimum cost.

As a charity, your clients trust you to deliver great social services to improve their lives. However, if you make mistakes while performing your work, charities can face serious legal liability issues. WIth Provide, you can tailor a policy that protects you, your employees, your clients, any sensitive data you have, and the premises/equipment you use.
  • Professional indemnity insurance: Coverage if you are sued for negligence, errors & omissions, defamation, regulatory breaches, and other causes.
  • Public liability insurance: Coverage for property damage or injuries to third-parties.
    For instance, a client slips and falls in your office, breaking their arm. They can sue you to pay for personal injury damages and medical expenses.
  • Work injury insurance: Coverage for employee injuries/diseases. Includes coverage for Covid-19 infections.
    For instance, your employees contract Covid-19 while in the office. This type of insurance will pay for their lost wages while quarantined, their medical expenses, and legal fees if they sue you for creating an unsafe work environment. 
  • Property and contents insurance: Coverage for risks like fire, water leaks, damage to computers, etc.
    For instance, an electrical fault occurs and causes a fire in your office. This insurance will pay for premises damage, and replacing contents (e.g. damaged computers).
Get started on a quote, or drop us a message to start crafting your own custom policies.
  • Being sued by clients for wrongful/negligent advice which leads to the client suffering injuries or losses.
  • Facing lawsuits/civil penalties from regulators for legal breaches/professional mistakes made while operating your charity.
  • Cyber attacks that steal confidential client data from you, or exposes sensitive data (e.g. personal information) online. 
  • Death, injury or illness of employees. You’ll need Work Injury Compensation Insurance to cover this.
  • Management-related claims such as Wrongful Employment Practice lawsuits from employees. You’ll need Directors & Officers Liability Insurance to cover this.
  • Injuries or damage to third-parties (e.g. clients) when conducting social services. 
Provide gets you tailored online quotes for charity insurance, at the lowest premiums. 
  • Save up to 25% on charity insurance
  • Save time with our convenient online platform to get quotes, file claims, and manage policies 
  • Expert insurance team with 20+ years experience serving both SMEs and large multinational firms
  • Available by phone 7 days/week

Prefer to speak to a consultant? Call us at 8717 8489

Get charity insurance tailored for your organisation. Lowest prices nationwide.

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